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The only thing Hillary Clinton has done for military veterans is get some of them killed

( It is a pathetic thing to be Hillary Clinton, and honestly, Democratic voters and the party they support ought to be ashamed that she is the best candidate they can put forth for president.

In recent days presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump has been attacked by the lamestream media over donations to military organizations that he initially raised in January, when he decided to hold a fundraiser for such groups rather than show up at another Republican presidential debate (which was hosted by Fox News).

The press has been attempting to raise suspicions over a couple of things – whether Trump actually raised the amount of $6 million he previously said he did (he says he raised $5.6 million; $1 million of which is his own money), and if so, did he actually donate it to veteran’s groups (he did – here is the list).

Piling on top of this outrageous attempt at “gotcha,” of course, is Clinton, one of the least-trusted presidential contenders in recent memory. In an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, she not only lied about all she’s done for veterans (she says she worked with others as a senator to do good deeds for vets but she never sponsored or passed any veteran-friendly legislation), but she claimed that Trump had to be “shamed” by the media into sending out the donations.

“He’s bragged for months about raising $6 million for veterans and donating a million dollars himself,” Clinton said. “But it took a reporter to shame him into actually making his contribution and getting the money to veterans. [So] look, I’m glad he finally did but I don’t know that he should get much credit for that.”

First and foremost, nobody ‘shames’ Donald Trump into doing anything, least of all the media (whom Trump has bested at every occasion) or the most unaccomplished, unremarkable and scandal-ridden presidential contender in modern history.

But here’s the thing: Not only has Clinton done nothing to help vets, she’s done more to get them killed than anything else.

Benghazi, anyone?

Yes, that’s right – Benghazi, where, on her watch, four Americans died in an attempt to save U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, whom Clinton (and President Obama) also left to die after ignoring his pleas for more embassy security in the wake of rising tensions in the region. Six hundred pleas for better security, in fact.

Two of the dead vets were former Navy SEALs – Glen Doherty and Ty Woods; a third, Sean Smith, an information management officer with the U.S. Foreign Service, served a six-year stint in the U.S. Air Force.

But the media instead focus on Trump’s very charitable, direct contributions to veteran’s organizations for scrutiny? Not on Clinton’s malfeasance for her role in the deaths of these brave American vets and an ambassador?

For his part, Trump refuses to be taken in by it and, in fact, fired back his own volleys against the press.

“The press should be ashamed of themselves,” the presumptive Republican presidential nominee said at Trump Tower press conference. “I have never received such bad publicity for doing such a good job.”

He also said he wanted to keep the details private because “I don’t think it’s anybody’s business if I want to send money to the vets.”

“I wasn’t looking for the credit,” he said, arguing that he could have held the press conference with the recipients. “But I had no choice because the press was saying I didn’t raise it.”

When pressed about the scrutiny involved when running for president, Trump said he “shouldn’t be lambasted.” And he called an ABC News reporter “a sleaze” when asked about critics claiming that he exaggerates.

“I think the political press is among the most dishonest people I ever met,” he said. Later, he repeated this criticism: “I find the press to be extremely dishonest. And I find the political press to be unbelievably dishonest.”

Donald Trump, in a single evening, did more for veterans than Hillary Clinton has done her entire political career. And if Benghazi is any indication of how she really feels about them, they don’t need “friends” like her.


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